Welcome to async_lichess_sdk’s documentation!

This package is meant to be an unofficial Python API Client for lichees.org. For information about the API please refer to https://lichess.org/api Every API endpoint uses async Python methods (asyncio).



You can just install me from a test PyPi

pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ async_lichess_sdk

or official PyPi

pip install async_lichess_sdk

Available Modules / Endpoints


class lichess_client.clients.client.APIClient(token: str, loop=None)

ASYNC APIClient class for handling secure connections with Lichees API via token usage.

token: str, required

String with token provided from Lichees.org account site.

loop: asyncio event loop, optional

Asyncio event loop for async mode operations


class lichess_client.endpoints.account.Account(client: BaseClient)

Class for Account API Endpoint

async get_my_email_address() → Response

Read the email address of the logged in user.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.account.get_my_email_address()
async get_my_kid_mode_status() → Response

Read the kid mode status of the logged in user.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.account.get_my_kid_mode_status()
async get_my_preferences() → Response

Read the preferences of the logged in user.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.account.get_my_preferences()
async get_my_profile() → Response

Public information about the logged in user.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.account.get_my_profile()
async set_my_kid_mode_status(*, turned_on: bool) → Response

Set the kid mode status of the logged in user.

turned_on: bool, required

The indicator to turn on or turn off the kid mode.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.account.set_my_kid_mode_status()()


class lichess_client.endpoints.boards.Boards(client: BaseClient)

Class for Boards API Endpoint

async abort_game(game_id: str) → Response

Abort a game being played with the Board API.

game_id: str, required

ID of the current playing game.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.boards.abort_game(game_id='5IrD6Gzz')
async create_a_seek(time: int, increment: int, variant: VariantTypes = <VariantTypes.STANDARD: 'standard'>, color: ColorType = <ColorType.RANDOM: 'random'>, rated: bool = False, rating_range: List[int] = None) → Response

Create a public seek, to start a game with a random player.

rated: bool, optional

Whether the game is rated and impacts players ratings.

time: int, required

Clock initial time in minutes.

increment: int, required

Clock increment in seconds.

variant: VariantTypes, optional
Enum: “standard” “chess960” “crazyhouse” “antichess” “atomic” “horde” “kingOfTheHill”

“racingKings” “threeCheck” The variant of the game.

color: ColorType, optional
Enum: “random” “white” “black”

The color to play. Better left empty to automatically get 50% white

rating_range: List[int, int], optional

The rating range of potential opponents. Better left empty. Example: [1500, 1800]

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.boards.create_a_seek(time=10, increment=0)
async handle_draw(game_id: str, accept: bool = True) → Response

Create/accept/decline draw offers.

game_id: str, required

ID of the current playing game.

accept: bool, optional

True: Offer a draw, or accept the opponent’s draw offer. False: Decline a draw offer from the opponent.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.boards.handle_draw(game_id='5IrD6Gzz', accept=True)
async make_move(game_id: str, move: str, draw: bool = False) → Response

Make a move in a game being played with the Board API. The move can also contain a draw offer/agreement.

game_id: str, required

ID of the current playing game.

move: str, required

Move in UCI format.

draw: bool, optional

Offer or accept a draw.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.boards.make_move(game_id='5IrD6Gzz', move='e2e4')
async resign_game(game_id: str) → Response

Resign a game being played with the Board API.

game_id: str, required

ID of the current playing game.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.boards.resign_game(game_id='5IrD6Gzz')
stream_game_state(game_id: str) → Response

Stream the state of a game being played with the Board API

game_id: str, required

ID of the current playing game.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> async for response in client.boards.stream_game_state(game_id='5IrD6Gzz'):
>>>     print(response)
stream_incoming_events() → Response

Stream the events reaching a lichess user in real time.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> async for response in client.boards.stream_incoming_events():
>>>     print(response)
async write_in_chat(game_id: str, message: str, room: lichess_client.utils.enums.RoomTypes = <RoomTypes.PLAYER: 'player'>)

Post a message to the player or spectator chat, in a game being played with the Board API.

game_id: str, required

ID of the current playing game.

room: RoomTypes, optional

Room where to post a message [player, spectator].

message: str, required

User message to post.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response_1 = await client.boards.write_in_chat(game_id='5IrD6Gzz', message="Hello!")
>>> response_2 = await client.boards.write_in_chat(game_id='5IrD6Gzz', message="Hi all!", room=RoomTypes.SPECTATOR)


class lichess_client.endpoints.bots.Bots(client: BaseClient)

Class for Bots API Endpoint

async stream_incoming_events() → Response

Stream the events reaching a lichess user in real time.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.bots.get_my_profile()


class lichess_client.endpoints.broadcast.Broadcast(client: BaseClient)

Class for Broadcast API Endpoint

async create(name: str, description: str, source_url: str = None, markdown: str = None, credit: str = None, start_time: int = None) → Response

Create a new broadcast to relay external games.

name: str, required

Name of the broadcast. Length must be between 3 and 80 characters.

description: str, required

Short description of the broadcast. Length must be between 3 and 400 characters.

source_url: str, optional

URL that Lichess will poll to get updates about the games. It must be publicly accessible from the Internet. Example: http://myserver.org/myevent/round-10/games.pgn If the syncUrl is missing, then the broadcast needs to be fed by pushing PGN to it.

markdown: str, optional

Optional long description of the broadcast. Markdown is supported. Length must be less than 20,000 characters.

credit: str, optional

Optional short text to give credit to the source provider.

start_time: int, optional

Timestamp of broadcast start. Leave empty to manually start the broadcast. Example: 1356998400070

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.broadcast.create(name="my broadcast", description="this is my broadcast...")
async get(broadcast_id: str) → Response

Get information about a broadcast that you created. You will need it if you want to update that broadcast.

broadcast_id: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.broadcast.get(broadcast_id="wje07860")
async push_pgn(broadcast_id: str, games: str) → Response

Update your broadcast with new PGN. Only for broadcast without a source URL.

broadcast_id: str, required

games: str, required

The PGN. It can contain up to 64 games, separated by a double new line.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.broadcast.push_pgn(broadcast_id="wje07860", games="...")
async update(broadcast_id: str, name: str, description: str, source_url: str = None, markdown: str = None, credit: str = None, start_time: int = None) → Response

Update information about a broadcast that you created. This endpoint accepts the same form data as the web form. All fields must be populated with data. Missing fields will override the broadcast with empty data. For instance, if you omit startDate, then any pre-existing start date will be removed.

broadcast_id: str, required

name: str, required

Name of the broadcast. Length must be between 3 and 80 characters.

description: str, required

Short description of the broadcast. Length must be between 3 and 400 characters.

source_url: str, optional

URL that Lichess will poll to get updates about the games. It must be publicly accessible from the Internet. Example: http://myserver.org/myevent/round-10/games.pgn If the syncUrl is missing, then the broadcast needs to be fed by pushing PGN to it.

markdown: str, optional

Optional long description of the broadcast. Markdown is supported. Length must be less than 20,000 characters.

credit: str, optional

Optional short text to give credit to the source provider.

start_time: int, optional

Timestamp of broadcast start. Leave empty to manually start the broadcast. Example: 1356998400070

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.broadcast.update(broadcast_id="wje07860", name="my broadcast", description="this is my updated broadcast...")


class lichess_client.endpoints.challenges.Challenges(client: BaseClient)

Class for Challenges API Endpoint

async accept(challenge_id: str) → Response
Accept an incoming challenge.

You should receive a gameStart event on the incoming events stream.

challenge_id: str, required

ID of the challenge to accept, further game_id will be the same as this challenge_id.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.challenges.accept(challenge_id="5IrD6Gzz")
async create(username: str, time_limit: int = None, time_increment: int = None, rated: bool = False, days: int = None, color: ColorType = <ColorType.RANDOM: 'random'>, variant: VariantTypes = <VariantTypes.STANDARD: 'standard'>, position: str = None) → Response
Challenge someone to play. The targeted player can choose to accept or decline.

If the challenge is accepted, you will be notified on the event stream that a new game has started. The game ID will be the same as the challenge ID.

username: str, required

time_limit: int, optional

[1..10800] Clock initial time in seconds. If empty, a correspondence game is created.

time_increment: int, optional

[0..60] Clock increment in seconds. If empty, a correspondence game is created.

rated: bool: optional

Game is rated and impacts players ratings

days: int, optional

[1..15] Days per move, for correspondence games. Time settings must be omitted.

color: ColorType, optional

Enum: “random” “white” “black” Which color you get to play, default: “random”.

variant: VariantTypes, optional

Default: “standard” Enum: “standard” “chess960” “crazyhouse” “antichess” “atomic” “horde” “kingOfTheHill”

“racingKings” “threeCheck”

The variant of the game

position: str, optional

Default: “rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1” Custom initial position (in FEN). Variant must be standard, and the game cannot be rated.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.challenges.create(username="amasend")
async decline(challenge_id: str) → Response

Decline an incoming challenge.

challenge_id: str, required

ID of the challenge to decline.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.challenges.decline(challenge_id="5IrD6Gzz")
async stream_incoming_events()

Stream the events reaching a lichess user in real time. This method is implemented in “boards” endpoint.



class lichess_client.endpoints.games.Games(client: BaseClient)

Class for Games API Endpoint

async export_games_by_ids(game_ids: List[str]) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Download games by IDs.

Games are sorted by reverse chronological order (most recent first)

The method is POST so a longer list of IDs can be sent in the request body. At most 300 IDs can be submitted.

game_ids: List[str], required

IDs of the games.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.export_games_by_ids(game_ids=['q7zvsdUF', 'ILwozzRZ'])
async export_games_of_a_user(username: str, since: int = None, until: int = None, limit: int = None, vs: str = None, rated: bool = None, variant: Union[VariantTypes, List[VariantTypes]] = None, color: Optional[lichess_client.utils.enums.ColorType] = None, analysed: bool = None, ongoing: bool = False) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Download all games of any user in PGN format. Games are sorted by reverse chronological order (most recent first) We recommend streaming the response, for it can be very long. https://lichess.org/@/german11 for instance has more than 320,000 games. The game stream is throttled, depending on who is making the request:

Anonymous request: 15 games per second OAuth2 authenticated request: 25 games per second Authenticated, downloading your own games: 50 games per second

username: str, required

Name of the user.

since: int, optional

Default: “Account creation date” Download games played since this timestamp.

until: int, optional

Default: “Now” Download games played until this timestamp.

limit: int, optional

Default: None How many games to download. Leave empty to download all games.

vs: str, optional

[Filter] Only games played against this opponent

rated: bool, optional

Default: None

[Filter] Only rated (true) or casual (false) games

variant: Union[VariantTypes, List[VariantTypes]], optional

Default: None [Filter] Only games in these speeds or variants. Multiple variants can be specified in a list.

color: ColorType, optional

Default: None [Filter] Only games played as this color.

analysed: bool, optional

[Filter] Only games with or without a computer analysis available.

ongoing: bool, optional

Default: false [Filter] Also include ongoing games

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.export_games_of_a_user(username='amasend')
# TODO: add more examples
async export_one_game(game_id: str) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Download one game. Only finished games can be downloaded.

game_id: str, required

ID of the game.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.export_one_game(game_id='q7zvsdUF')
# TODO: add more examples
async get_current_tv_games() → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Get basic info about the best games being played for each speed and variant, but also computer games and bot games.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_current_tv_games()
async get_ongoing_games(limit: int = 9) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Get the ongoing games of the current user. Real-time and correspondence games are included. The most urgent games are listed first.

limit: int, optional

Number of games to fetch, default is 9.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response_1 = client.users.get_ongoing_games(limit=10)
>>> response_2 = client.users.get_ongoing_games()
async stream_current_games(users: List[str]) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Stream the games played between a list of users, in real time. Only games where both players are part of the list are included. Maximum number of users: 300. The method is POST so a longer list of IDs can be sent in the request body.

users: List[str], required

User names.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.stream_current_games(users=['amasend', 'lovlas', 'chess-network'])


class lichess_client.endpoints.messaging.Messaging(client: BaseClient)

Class for Messaging API Endpoint

async send(username: str, text: str) → Response

Send a private message to another player.

username: str, required

text: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.messaging.send()


class lichess_client.endpoints.relations.Relations(client: BaseClient)

Class for Relations API Endpoint

async get_users_followed_by_a_user(username: str) → Response
Fetching all users followed by current user.

This is a streaming endpoint.

username: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_users_followed_by_a_user(username='amasend')
async get_users_who_follow_a_user(username: str) → Response
Fetching all users who follow this user.

This is a streaming endpoint.

username: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_users_who_follow_a_user(username='amasend')


class lichess_client.endpoints.simulations.Simulations(client: BaseClient)

Class for Simulations API Endpoint

async get_current() → Response

Get recently finished, ongoing, and upcoming simuls.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.simulations.get_current()


class lichess_client.endpoints.studies.Studies(client: BaseClient)

Class for Studies API Endpoint

async export_all_chapters(study_id: str) → Response

Download all chapters of a study in PGN format.

study_id: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.studies.export_all_chapters(study_id="...")
async export_chapter(study_id: str, chapter_id: str) → Response

Download one study chapter in PGN format.

study_id: str, required

chapter_id: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.studies.export_chapter(study_id="...", chapter_id='...')


class lichess_client.endpoints.teams.Teams(client: BaseClient)

Class for Teams API Endpoint

async get_members_of_a_team() → None

Not implemented


async join_a_team(team_id: str) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Join a team. If the team join policy requires a confirmation, and the team owner is not the oAuth app owner, then the call fails with 403 Forbidden.

team_id: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.join_a_team(team_id = 'some_team')
async kick_a_user_from_your_team(team_id: str, user_id: str) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Kick a member out of one of your teams.

team_id: str, required

user_id: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.kick_a_user_from_your_team(team_id='some_team', user_id='amasend')
async leave_a_team(team_id: str) → lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response

Leave a team.

team_id: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.leave_a_team(team_id = 'some_team')


class lichess_client.endpoints.tournaments.Tournaments(client: BaseClient)

Class for Tournaments API Endpoint

async create(clock_time: int, clock_increment: int, minutes: int, name: str = None, wait_minutes: int = 5, start_date: int = None, variant: VariantTypes = <VariantTypes.STANDARD: 'standard'>, rated: bool = True, position: str = None, berserk: bool = True, password: str = None, team_id: str = None, min_rating: int = None, max_rating: int = None, number_of_rated_games: int = None) → Response
Create a public or private tournament to your taste.

This endpoint mirrors the form on https://lichess.org/tournament/new. You can create up to 2 tournaments per day.

name: str, optional

clock_time: int, required

[0..60] Clock initial time in minutes

clock_increment: int, required

[0..60] Clock increment in seconds

minutes: int, required

[0..360] How long the tournament lasts, in minutes.

wait_minutes: int, optional

Default: 5 How long to wait before starting the tournament, from now, in minutes

start_date: int, optional

Timestamp to start the tournament at a given date and time. Overrides the waitMinutes setting.

variant: VariantTypes, optional

Default: “standard” Enum: “standard” “chess960” “crazyhouse” “antichess” “atomic” “horde”

“kingOfTheHill” “racingKings” “threeCheck”

The variant to use in tournament games

rated: bool, optional

Default: true Games are rated and impact players ratings

position: str, optional

Default: “rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1” Custom initial position (in FEN) for all games of the tournament. Must be one of

berserk: bool, optional

Default: true Whether the players can use berserk

password: str, optional

Make the tournament private, and restrict access with a password

team_id, str, optional
Restrict entry to members of a team. The team_id is the last part of a team URL, e.g.

https://lichess.org/team/coders has teamId = coders.

Leave as None to let everyone join the tournament.

min_rating: int, optional

Minimum rating to join. Leave empty to let everyone join the tournament.

max_rating: int, optional

Maximum rating to join. Based on best rating reached in the last 7 days. Leave empty to let everyone join the tournament.

number_of_rated_games: int, optional

Minimum number of rated games required to join.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.tournaments.create(clock_time=1, clock_increment=1, minutes=60)
async export_games(tournament_id: str) → Response

Download games of a tournament. Games are sorted by reverse chronological order (most recent first)

tournament_id: str, required

ID of the tournament to export.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.tournaments.export_games(tournament_id='q7zvsdUF')
async get_current()

Get recently finished, ongoing, and upcoming tournaments.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = await client.tournaments.get_current()
async get_results(tournament_id: str, limit: int = 10) → Response
Players of a tournament, with their score and performance, sorted by rank (best first).

games of a tournament. Games are sorted by reverse chronological order (most recent first)

tournament_id: str, required

ID of the tournament to export.

limit: int, optional

Default: 10 Max number of players to fetch

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.tournaments.get_results(tournament_id='q7zvsdUF')
async get_tournaments_created_by_a_user(username: str, limit: int = 10) → Response
Get all tournaments created by a given user.

Tournaments are sorted by reverse chronological order of start date (last starting first).

username: str, required

limit: int, optional

Default: 10 Max number of tournaments to fetch.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.tournaments.get_tournaments_created_by_a_user(username='amasend')


class lichess_client.endpoints.users.Users(client: BaseClient)

Class for Users API Endpoint

async get_all_top_10() → Response

Get the top 10 players for each speed and variant.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_all_top_10()
async get_live_streamers() → Response

Get basic info about currently streaming users.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_live_streamers()
async get_members_of_a_team(team_id: str) → Response
Download your puzzle activity in ndjson format.

Puzzle activity is sorted by reverse chronological order (most recent first)

team_id: str, required

Team ID

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_members_of_a_team(team_id='team')
async get_one_leaderboard(variant: VariantTypes, limit: int = 10) → Response
Get the leaderboard for a single speed or variant (a.k.a. perfType).

There is no leaderboard for correspondence or puzzles.

limit: int, optional

How many users to fetch.

variant: VariantTypes, required

Response object with response content.


>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_one_leaderboard(variant=VariantTypes.BLITZ)
>>> response_2 = client.users.get_one_leaderboard(variant=VariantTypes.ANTICHESS, limit=100)
async get_rating_history_of_a_user(username: str) → Response
Read rating history of a user, for all perf types. There is at most one entry per day.

Format of an entry is [year, month, day, rating]. month starts at zero (January).

username: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_rating_history_of_a_user(username='amasend')
async get_real_time_users_status(users_ids: List[str]) → Response

Read the online, playing and streaming flags of several users.

This API is very fast and cheap on lichess side. So you can call it quite often (like once every 5 seconds).

Use it to track players and know when they’re connected on lichess and playing games.

users_ids: List[str], required

List of the users IDs to fetch information about the status.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_real_time_users_status(
>>>     users_ids=['amasend', 'aliquantus','chess-network', 'lovlas'])
async get_user_activity(username: str) → Response

Read data to generate the activity feed of a user.

username: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_user_activity(username='amasend')
async get_user_public_data(username: str) → Response

Read public data of a user.

username: str, required

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_user_public_data(username='amasend')
async get_users_by_id(users_ids: List[str]) → Response
Get several users by their IDs. Users are returned in the order same order as the IDs.

The method is POST so a longer list of IDs can be sent in the request body.

users_ids: List[str], required

List of the users IDs to fetch information about the status.

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_users_by_id(users_ids=['amasend', 'aliquantus','chess-network', 'lovlas'])
async get_your_puzzle_activity(limit: int = None) → Response

Download your puzzle activity in ndjson format. Puzzle activity is sorted by reverse chronological order (most recent first)

limit: int, optional

Hom many records to fetch, if None, all records will be fetched (by streaming).

Response object with response content.

>>> from lichess_client import APIClient
>>> client = APIClient(token='...')
>>> response = client.users.get_your_puzzle_activity()
>>> response_2 = client.users.get_your_puzzle_activity(limit=50)


class lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.Response(metadata: lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.ResponseMetadata, entity: lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.ResponseEntity)

The Response class. Used to store every API response in the unified way.

class lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.ResponseMetadata(method: str, url: str, content_type: str, timestamp: bytes)

Metadata class for the response object.

class lichess_client.helpers.response_helpers.ResponseEntity(code: int, reason: str, status: StatusTypes, content: Union[List[dict], dict, Game])

Entity class for the response object.

Indices and tables